Join Our Charity Tournament to Support Grief, Trauma, and Loss

Dear Friends,

We hope you and your families are doing well!

We are working on our 10th Golf Tournament to support the Alcove Center for Grieving Children & Families.This year we are excited to change things up a little bit and host a nine & dine event. The nine & dine will be taking place at Linwood Country Club on Thursday, May 9th with a 3pm shotgun start (registration starting at 2:30pm).

The Alcove Center has been providing no cost grief and trauma services in the community since 2001. We offer individual and family therapy, hope and healing peer support groups, school outreach and trauma/grief specific services.

We host many events throughout the year, but the golf tournament is the largest fundraising event for the Alcove. Each year we have been able to grow this event and we are hopeful that our 2024 outing will be a huge success. We are asking that you support our fundraising efforts with a tax-deductible donation this year.

To visualize what your support can set in motion: a teenager that lost her father shared that “the group helps her not be so angry, that she realizes others have felt as she does and that she no longer feels alone”.

Details on the sponsorship are included at the link below.

Please call Theresa Mondella at 732-904-0257 or email at [email protected] for additional information or if you have any questions.

Because of your generous support, the Alcove has been able to continue its mission. Thank you for being part of the CHANGE and helping us “Transform Grief and Loss to Hope and Healing”.

We personally appreciate your commitment to this much needed organization in our community.

All the best and we hope to see you on May 9th!


Kristen Raring, Esq.
Executive Director

Golfing for Hope